Water taxi
There are many watertaxi companies in Venice.
The service is recognized and regulated by Venice
municipality that attributes the authorizations
and quotes the fares. A watertaxi without the license
shown on its side is thus an unauthorized boat.
A taxi can carry up to 14 people. In the City a water
taxi is always available in the nearby of the main sights,
among which: Tronchetto, Piazzale Roma, Train Station,
Rialto and S. Zaccaria (Danieli). Watertaxis are
available even at the International Airport
M. Polo. From the airport it's necessary a
20-minute ride to get to the City.
Aeroporto: telephone +39 041 5415084.
Cooperativa Serenissima: phone +39 041 5221265.
Cooperativa Veneziana: phone +39 041 716124.
Ferrovia: phone +39 041 716286.
Laguna Servizi: tlf. +39 041 0993240.
Lido: tel. +39 041 5222303.
Piazzale Roma: tel. +39 041 716922.
Rialto: telephone +39 041 5230575.
San Marco: tel. +39 041 5229750.
Società Marco Polo: telephone +39 041 966170.
Società Sotoriva: telephone +39 041 5209586.
Società Serenissima: contact +39 041 5228538.
Venezia Taxi: phone +39 041 723009.
Cooperativa San Marco: call +39 041 5235775.
Consorzio Motoscafi Venezia: tel. +39 041 5222303.
Società Narduzzi Solemar: +39 041 5200838.
Actually the Venice watertaxi rates are as
follows: minimum price at the departure euro 13,00; every 60 seconds
€ 1,80; night service euro 8,00; for luggage
with sides over 150 cm. EUR 3,00; per each person exceding #2 people € 5,00.

Car Taxi
A taxi is available in Venice - Piazzale Roma or at
Piazzale Roma: tlf. +39 041 5237774.
Radio Taxi: call +39 041 936137.
Lido: contact +39 041 5265974.
Another interesting way for sightseeing Venice
from the water is taking a private speedboat
(or GT speedboat). Those boats are easily recognizable
as they are biggest than a water taxi and they can
carry up to 250 people. Some companies propose the
itinerary from Tronchetto to St. Mark's Square that
allows you to pass through Canale della Giudecca and
Bacino S. Marco to see the S. Giorgio Island with
the omonymus church built by architect Andrea Palladio
(1565, neoclassic style). Other companies offer
excursions by big boats to the islands of the
Lagoon, they last half a day. From Venice start
some excursions to Chioggia as well. Along the
itinerary are remarkable some beautiful views of
the south lagoon and many small islands. Long time
ago those places were convents or forts, like Santo Spirito,
Poveglia and many others. It's a two-hour ride and
is possible to enjoy the peacefulness of the huge
space of the lagoon, far from traffic and noise.
Turistica Penzo: call +39 041 5300597.
Venice Boat International: contact +39 041 2411032.
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